Next Generation
Entrepreneurship Education

The next IEES will take place on Friday, November 28th 2025 @ Stuttgart Media University.

About the iees

The platform for innovation and entrepreneurship

The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES) is an interactive conference that unites innovation and entrepreneurship professionals from universities, corporates, and startups from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience. Its focus is on exchanging ideas, inspiring and learning from each other.

Our diverse lineup of speakers, including professors, innovators, founders, designers, and coaches, will provide valuable insights into their work. It serves as a platform for everyone searching for new methods, tools, formats and workshops.

IEES in a snapshot









Call for Presentations: IEES 2024

We invite educators, innovators, founders and coaches to submit their proposals by September 30th 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity to inspire and be inspired by the best in entrepreneurship education.

Get your free ticket for the IEES now!

To visit the IEES register via Eventbrite and get your mobile e-ticket. We are looking forward to you!

The IEES of this year

A selection of speakers from IEES 2024

Once again this year, numerous speakers will enrich us with exciting science pitches, inspiring best-practice talks and practical hands-on workshops.

Valeria Levtchenko
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI)
Steffen Erath
Hansgrohe SE
Dr. Gisa Todt
LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Loredana Padurean
Northeastern University DMSB
Prof. Dr. Jörn Block
University of Trier
Lena Rübelmann
GIG7 Kompetenzzentrum FeMale Business / NEXT MANNHEIM
Prof. Dr. Nils Hoegsdal
Stuttgart Media University
Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart
Dresden University of Technology (TUD)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Ebersberger
University of Hohenheim
Prof. Kristian Ahm
Danish School of Media and Journalism
Leonie Kellner
BioInnovation Institute
Ivo Andrade
Bertelsmann Stiftung

Offered formats

Coming together to share knowledge and tools

All sessions from our speakers will be in the following formats:

Here you can see an icon matching the format "Best Practice".

Best Practice

Best Practice is a presentation of a program, format, class-setup or method related to teaching and fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Each session is planned for 18 minutes of presentation and 7 minutes of questions and discussions.

Here you can see an icon matching the format "Hands-On".


Hands-On is a condensed version of an interactive teaching format or workshop. After a short introduction attendees will experience the tools and techniques themselves. Each session will be 50 minutes in length.

Here you can see an icon matching the format "Science Pitch".

Science Pitch

Science Pitches provide the transfer between research and practice with insights from studies and research projects in entrepreneurship education and innovation and their derivations and recommendations for practice. Planned for 18 minutes of presentation and 7 minutes of Q&A.

Last year’s IEES

Speakers from the past

Every year we welcome speakers from all over the world. As experts from various fields, they offer insights into a wide range of topics.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem
Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovationsforschung, Universität Stuttgart
Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit
Aarhus University, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Veer
University of Tübingen
Sean Branagan
Newhouse School at Syracuse University
Prof. Dr. Loredana Padurean
Northeastern University DMSB
Prof. Saras Sarasvathy 
University of Virginia Darden School of Business
Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen
Martin Lackéus
Chalmers University of Technology
Dr. Imke Rajamani
Falling Walls Foundation GmbH
Ivo Andrade
Bertelsmann Stiftung
Lena Rübelmann
GIG7 Kompetenzzentrum FeMale Business / NEXT MANNHEIM
Judith Koeritz
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V
Prof. Dr. Felix Buchmann
University of Applied Sciences Pforzheim / Dornkamp Lawyers
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kuckertz
University of Hohenheim
Prof. Dr. Bettina Maisch
University of Applied Sciences Munich
Xenia Duffy
Prof. Kristian Ahm
Danish School of Media and Journalism
Prof. Dr. Klaus Sailer
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Jörn Block
University of Trier

What happened at IEES 2024

With a total of 5 tracks, this IEES was bigger than ever before. Take a closer look at the program.

The IEES program 2023 is ready to download.

Regular updates

Don’t miss any news!

On LinkedIn we share all the latest updates, including comprehensive speaker and program information.

Also you can sign up for the IEES newsletter and never miss out on the latest updates and information about the upcoming International Entrepreneurship Education Summit! As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know about exciting developments, including the call for presentations, speaker announcements, and other essential news that you won’t want to miss.

You can see a conference at the International Entrepreneurship Education Summit

IEES Participation

You want to participate as a speaker or as an official partner?

Here you can see an icon matching the topic "speaker".

As a speaker

We would love to hear your most innovative teaching format, your best workshop-formats or your insights and inspiring data from research. If you would like to share them with others, please send an e-mail to

handshake icon

As a partner

Become a partner and support entrepreneurship education! If you are interested in supporting IEES 2025, please contact


Frequently asked questions about the event

Is the International Entrepreneurship Education Summit free of charge?​

Yes, the IEES is free of charge for all guests registered on Eventbrite.​

Who initiated the IEES and how is it organised?​

The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit (IEES) was initiated in 2015 by Prof. Dr. Nils Högsdal at Stuttgart Media University.

It is run by students and Prof. Dr. Nils Högsdal continues to serve as the scientific advisor, guiding the program with his expertise and vision.

Where can I register for the IEES?​

You can register on Eventbrite via this link.

Where does IEES take place?​

The International Entrepreneurship Education Summit takes place at the Stuttgart Media University, Nobelstraße 10a, 70569 Stuttgart.​

Do you have feedback and ideas for the IEES?​

We are always open for feedback and ideas. If you would like to participate in the further development of the concept, please feel free to contact us!​

Get in touch

Do you have any questions or suggestions?

Then contact Mara Brune directly by email. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mara Brune

Mara Brune

Website Expert & Educational Services Manager

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The last IEES 2024 was supported by the The Bertelsmann Stiftung, Stuttgart Media University, NXTGN, Startup Campus 0711, State capital Stuttgart, Südwissen and UpVisit.